This is ma crib, it's 22500 square meters. There's ma yellow diningroom with a balcony. I never use it though, but it was expensive!

Ma kitchen is full of super nutrient foodstuffs, which I never eat, cuz I like BBQ better.

This is ma walkin' closet. White is the color of real gangstah. Every locker has a top modern locker device for ma expensive coats. Fancy as hell!

Ma tub is to big to show, but here's ma shower. What you can see in the pic is a tiny piece of ma bathroom.

Ma fryer is biggest in the world. And the most expensive, ofc. Ma housekeeper makes the fatest chips evah.

This is my lounge and ma homie with a white russian light in her hand. Iv'e got 3 64'' TVs here so we can watch NHL.
Sometimes uninvited fans intrude. I'm lucky to have the best lifeguards in the world.
We sent them this way.
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